速報APP / 個人化 / Racing Car Sports Keyboard Theme

Racing Car Sports Keyboard Theme





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



Racing Car Sports Keyboard Theme(圖1)-速報App

Racing Car Sports Keyboard Theme is an application intended for users to be able to apply the theme to the keyboard as desired.

How to Use Racing Car Sports Keyboard Theme:

Download and open our app then activate our keyboard. Open the theme menu click one of them and will appear on your keyboard.

Privacy and Security:

Racing Car Sports Keyboard Theme(圖2)-速報App

We did not collect your personal info, please use as easily.

Features of Racing Car Sports Keyboard Theme app:

No need internet connection

Set as keyboard theme

Racing Car Sports Keyboard Theme(圖3)-速報App

Next-Word suggestion

Auto correction

Sticker Suggestion

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Racing Car Sports Keyboard Theme(圖4)-速報App

10 Theme of Racing Car Sports Keyboard Theme

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Racing Car Sports Keyboard Theme(圖5)-速報App